Tyler Jorgenson 0:01
You’re listening to biz ninja entrepreneur radio. This show was created for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers and dreamers who want to learn from the experts of today and drastically shortcut their own success to build a business that supports their dream lifestyle. Since 2011, Tyler Jorgensen has been interviewing business thought leaders from around the world, a serial entrepreneur himself, Tyler also shares his personal insights into what’s working in business today. Welcome to biz Ninja, entrepreneur, radio. Alright, want to welcome everybody out to biz ninja entrepreneur, radio, wherever you’re listening or watching, I appreciate you. And we’ve got a guest today who is if you’ve been in the clickfunnels, or internet marketing world for very long, you’ve probably heard of trailer Whelan. And so on the welcome tray out and really grateful wanting to come out on the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Absolutely. I think you’re at the dream 100 like when do podcasts I said absolutely.
Tyler Jorgenson 1:05
Yeah, for sure. We’ve, you know, it’s fun. Our paths have crossed several times, we have a lot of mutual friends. And you I think are like funnel hacker episode one. So anybody that’s watched some of the older videos from from Russell like, they can’t not know trailer Whelan and the amazing wolf oil funnel like gun oil funnel, right. So, um, but,
Unknown Speaker 1:30
you know, we’re still running that thing.
Tyler Jorgenson 1:32
That’s amazing. What’s amazing to me about that is you’ve given away probably 10,000 copies of that funnel, and you’re still crushing it?
Unknown Speaker 1:39
Yeah, yeah, I think we had, um, I think we had somebody else just kind of, like, copy it verbatim. And they put their own oil. But from what I can tell, there’s no like real copiers. Yeah, which is fine, which is cool, which is nice. I mean, they modeled it, and then, you know, when did their own thing but, um, but it does work. I mean, all it is, is a concept, right? And so as long as they know, they understand the concept, and they can model it with anything, they can model it with pins, or books, or TVs or whatever you
Tyler Jorgenson 2:04
want to do. And so going into that concept, you weren’t always an e commerce guy, right? You You were originally an insurance salesman. How did you first like get into deciding you are going to do sell products online.
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Um, you know, so I was an electrical engineer, before I was an insurance agent. Okay, I got my degree in insurance, or insurance and electrical engineering. And then I was an engineer for a year, probably less than, and I decided that was not for me, because I saw the 50 year olds, right, the 60 year olds, and I said, That’s gonna be me. So I’m out. So then I became an insurance agent. And I was there for three years. And they, they called me in the headquarters because I was doing things that they didn’t want me to do, such as, you know, drive down the street with a video camera rolling, and talk about driving or talking about my life. And I was just trying to be a spokesperson of you know, I’m trying to get out to the world, and they came down hard. They’re like, Hey, you can’t be doing that you’re an insurance agent can’t be taking video and driving the same time, if you got an accent, that wouldn’t really look good on our part. I couldn’t do Facebook post couldn’t do Facebook ads. So I was really restricted by a lot of things. And they called me down to headquarters had to drive down there. And they pretty much the writing’s on the wall that I was getting fired, probably the next, you know, two or three months. And so when they came in and did fire me, I quit on the same day. So I don’t really know if I quit, or they fired me. But it’s like one of those mutual separations, like, anymore. But what was cool was during that time, I was learning about things I was going to like events like traffic and conversion. And I was I was, I was learning Facebook ads, and I was doing loan officer leads for loan officers. I was building home calculators through funnels. And then from there, I was just creating leads. And that’s kind of where it started. But then I realized doing that I hated doing done for you work. Because it was always my freakin fault if Facebook would crash, or if a funnel didn’t operate on one day. Like it was my fault. And I had no control but they didn’t understand that. Right? So I was like, you know, I’m just gonna go be my own thing. I want to sell my own stuff. And I really have any products to sell. And I was watching a, I was watching a webinar, Taylor Larson was doing one night I was I remember I had like, my little kid, I think, I think Liam was maybe six months or seven months house. He’s sitting right next to me. I’m trying to he’s crying. I’m trying to watch enters tears webinar of how he’s selling shirts, and watching all that. And then I said, Man, that seems pretty easy. I think I can do something like that. And so I started doing what he kind of demonstrated on the webinar and through his training, and I went and sold. I don’t even know what it came out to be maybe like 50 or 60,000 shirts over the next six or seven months. And that really got me in the end of the product world I guess. And what we started finding was we were so dang good. It shirts that we are selling a new shirt every week. And we are so dang good at it that the freakin comments coming in said, Hey, man, I bought the last 10 shirts from you, I don’t need anymore. And the writing was kind of on the wall. And so we had to, we had to go to in the physical world, the physical product world of different items, which opens up a massive ocean of products, right? More than more than just t shirts, but t shirts still sell this day. And that’s when I kind of heard about this thing called a Canton Fair, like what in the world is that? It’s in China of all scary places. Like could they like China, to me is like North Korea, right? You’re like, just like, you can’t go there. Right? We bought tickets priceless. He was afraid because he couldn’t bring his gun and I said, You know what, either we die or live, but we’ll find something over there. And we took the trip, couldn’t wait to get back because it was so just, it was just a wild wild wild west over there. You don’t know anything you No one knows speaks English, so you’re just totally out of a job. But man, what an experience of what the Canton Fair was to see all these hundreds of thousands of products. And we’ve been going ever since you know, it’s been every year, it’s gotten better and more relaxed. And we like okay, we know where the hotel is. We know where where real food is. We know how to kind of call it you know, we know how to say hello, and toilet. And, you know, like you get the hell out of here kind of stuff. Yeah, it’s been intriguing. So that was kind of like how we stair step through in the physical products.
Tyler Jorgenson 6:26
So yeah, so try tracing that backwards a little bit. Essentially, you got in, you started learning the basics of marketing, internet marketing by doing the leads. And then you realize you needed to sell your own thing, you found your first digital mentor, right by watching somebody else telling you how to sell shirts. And so you went all in and that to start I mean, most guys, there’s a lot of guys that dabble in that business, but don’t move 50,000 units. And I mean, t shirts are still, one of the things that still come up today is the first thing that you can start with and the first product. So what was your first in that first iteration of like, Okay, you guys are an e commerce company. Now? What was the first big hurdle or like obstacle that you guys hit? And how did you guys overcome it?
Unknown Speaker 7:10
I know exactly what the obstacles were. So we’re sitting down at this event I could afford I finally could afford like a mastermind to attend and I and I go down and mentor with these guys. I’m in a room of, I don’t know, 12 or 15 people. And I’m the I’m the dumbest person in the room. I’m the weakest. I’m the most broke dude in the room. But I you know, you don’t wanna tell anybody, you know, you like fake it till you make it kind of deals like faking it, right? And I’m just listening to these guys numbers like, hey, how much do you want to make per month? The guy says, all you know, we’ll probably do $304,000 this month was like, Whoa, next guy, you know, say something like a million dollars, he wants to do a million dollars this month, they just did 700,000. Now he wants to a million. It’s like, Whoa, and then oh, no, for shits and giggles, they saved me for last. And I’m saying, you know, I’d be ecstatic with $5,000 minimum, you know, coming on. And what it was was we created this MTO, which was minimum target outrageous. And your M is your minimum, no matter what happens, no matter if you know, your merchant account goes down, no matter if your funnel goes down. No matter if you’re sick for a week, no matter what your company is going to make that minimum. And my minimum was five grand. And the next question was, well, what’s your target? Like? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to be? What do you want to see? And I set my target for $15,000. And then came the big audacious to hairy, you know, the be hag big, hairy, audacious goal. And I set mine for 60,000. And why 60,000 I had to add a shadow reason for the numbers. The 60,000 was how much I was making as an insurance agent. I made $60,000 a year and I said, you know if I can, if I can make the same amount of money that I do in 12 months in one month do that would just be outrageous to me. Like that would just be absurd, insane. The world turned upside down kind of feel. Right, put it up on a board and I’m thinking anything of it. And then miss my good friend Rob cost free now to this day love the dude. And he’s sitting right next to me. So on this water bottle, and he goes Trey, how are you going to get from 5000 to 15,000? And I go well, I guess we could raise our Facebook ad because well, how much are you spending right now today? I said around $10 I was that guy in the Facebook group. Right? On the on that guy like, Hey, man, I spent $10 on Facebook today I made no conversions, no purchases. That was me. And he goes, Well, how are you gonna get the 15 Grand i said about well, you know, raise the Facebook and he goes, Well, how much? And I said 20 mcse. And he literally in one moment just takes us wireless drops it and then he goes followed by one
Unknown Speaker 9:59
right Make you feel super small in front of this massive room, and I still didn’t get it, I still didn’t get it. And I go, I don’t know $30 He goes, man $100 $1,000 go in scale that thing, go and see what it can bring to you. And Dude, I tell you, like that guy changed my life, you know, I still talk to him to this day of how he pushed me and I went back, and I told my brother who didn’t didn’t attend the mastermind, and I come back, I’m like, we’re gonna go crazy. We’re just gonna scale it, I said, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, we might go broke, we probably will be in a lot of debt and probably homeless for the next two days. But we’re gonna go for it. And we went for it. And over the next two months, we went from doing five grand to I think the next month, we did like 30 grand next month, we did about $45,000. And then the following month into May, we did $117,000 in T shirt sales. And we sold over whatever that backs out to be of 20 $20, a shirt or something like that. There’s a lot of shirts. And just the problems through that even I call it this jet stream. And how I can relate to it visually, is if you ever watched the NEEMO. And the turtles. Remember, they remember the scene with the turtles, of course, and the dad and Nemo or Merlin and Nemo are right on the turtles. And they’re in the Atlantic current or something like that, that used to lay in the current, it is no fast, right? And they’re going so fast. And then you just like one of the turtles like pops out of the the current he’s like poo, like, goes way back. And that how I look at that is that’s the world that’s like regular day life. But then there’s these things that we can just kind of morph into this current. And boom, you’re in this jet stream. And that’s what it literally felt like, when we started selling the shirts. I even have a picture this day because I want to remember it. But there’s a picture, I didn’t have any furniture, I didn’t have any stuff on the walls. I just had a screen TV screen about this big behind me on the wall. And I made it to where it was. It’s through the Apple TV, it was refreshing every every minute or every 30 seconds because we wanted to watch the last couple hours of the sales ending. And the shirts are just spinning. I mean, they are just selling like bananas, it was the most absurd thing. And we couldn’t spend enough money. We couldn’t spend enough money. I had a credit card that had a limit of $2,000. And then Facebook at that time limited you to $1,000 a day. But the limit was now Facebook’s you know full bore like you don’t care. But it was about so what was happening is every day, I was hitting that cap of $1,000 on like Facebook, let me spend more. And then every two days I was capping out my credit card. And I was waiting for my mom and I we didn’t have any cash to go pay it off, pay the merchant off to redo the cash, I’m borrowing cash to go pay off the credit cards and get the Facebook ad back on. So it’s this massive just ups and downs like you’re this whirlwind of energy and all these sales. And then it all comes to an end. At the very like last moment. Of course, like you know, we sold however many shirts, it was just like, wow, that was a freaking ride. It was amazing. But there was you know, there was hard times during that there was times where as little as La. Like, I don’t know if we can if this is gonna go so well, because we got ink.
Tyler Jorgenson 13:34
I mean, what’s funny is what you just described to the most people you would describe as hard times I mean, a lot of those problems too many people are enough that they stop, right? Well, I’m out of money on the credit card and you’re saying okay, how do I pay it off and get it like on a daily basis, you’re, you’re like using your credit card as a revolving line. You know, you’re getting you have. And I think that’s one of the major differences between entrepreneurs who make it and entrepreneurs who continue to struggle, and it’s the ability to consistently and repetitively solve problems, like quickly, right, they just keep coming, you just solve them move forward. Don’t bury too much energy into them. Because, you know, I’ve heard I’ve heard several different parts of your story. And every one of them has hurdles, right. And it has challenges that could have stopped somebody else. Right? And so what do you think is different about like, you are about entrepreneurs that that causes us to, to be so thick headed that we’re just keep overcoming keep keep solving the problem?
Unknown Speaker 14:35
Man, I think Jim Rohn kind of answers that, and I’ve been listening a lot to him lately. And he says, you know, there’s there’s, there’s certain desires, I think there’s a little Jim Rohn and it’s a little thinking Grow Rich love Napoleon Hill together. But people that have and know their desire are the ones that have a purpose and the cool thing thing about that is not everybody has that right? In some do some don’t some get it some don’t. Some create it some don’t. But that’s the that’s the wonders of the world is that’s the wonders of the mind. Like, there is I don’t know if there is a reason or a solution. That’s it’s just it is because it is really talks about the people who are doubters, right? The people who doubt that they can do anything. Well, don’t Don’t, don’t make them someone else. They’re the doubters. We call them doubters, because that’s who they are. They’re doubters, right. They’ll never be any anybody else to that. And then he calls you know, the liars. Like, don’t try to have a have a liar tell the truth. They’re liars. Right? That’s what you they love. You know. So and this looks like us. For the entrepreneurs. We’re entrepreneurs, we have desire, we have purpose, we have drive, to we are.
Tyler Jorgenson 15:54
So I was watching a show yesterday. And there was a line that set out that stood out to me, and they said, geography equals destiny. And it was some of the new jack Ryan series on Amazon. And they were talking, he was talking about, like, hey, he was born in one country. So he’s, he’s not a good guy. Right. And but the point was, and I thought was really fascinating, is to connect that to what you’ve been saying now, is, I’ve always been fascinated by how the entrepreneur like our paradigms can shift. Right? You went to that one mastermind that Rob was that thinking that 60,000 was this huge, you know, like the top end of your paradigm at the time. Okay, and then in that one, mastermind, your shifted right. And I remember, I was actually so I was at a dinner with you. And with Rob at funnel hacking live in Dallas, and I was talking with them and had kind of some of those same moments you came over and told a story about stripe not being very friendly to you with when you’re with your membership set set up? And your answer there. And you can share that story if you want. But your answer of how you are going to handle that and not try to save it instead just focus on rebuilding a better brand, completely, like shifted the way I looked at problems at that time. I’m like, man, why would Why go back and just keep mandating something when you can create something better? Right? And maybe you want to touch on that story? Because I think it’s if you’re willing to share it, it’s pretty powerful. The the challenge that you had overcome there in your continuity program,
Unknown Speaker 17:24
which part because
Tyler Jorgenson 17:26
you probably had a couple of them. So when you guys is your continuity program behind your the oil and your different funnels, right stripe basically came in and shut down all of those all of that recurring revenue.
Unknown Speaker 17:41
Oh, that part? Yeah. I thought you meant the part where they held $1.2 million, but you want that part?
Tyler Jorgenson 17:46
Okay. I think it’s all part of the same fun roller coaster that you probably dealt with. There’s a
Unknown Speaker 17:51
day there as well intense. So. So the reason why it all happened was because we couldn’t fulfill fast enough. And we got in this big ole loophole of badness. But basically, we had 70,000 orders in in overdue, let’s see, trying to put it all together because we aren’t Yeah, we’re, we’re 70 we’re 70,000 orders in the hole where they’re supposed to go out in December. We they weren’t going out until February. And so people do like Christmas gifts and stuff like that, you know, that people are buying and, and we’re getting 15,000 phone calls a day I had for people to answer those phone calls. So realistically, I can only handle about 400 calls. We were receiving 15,000. And we’re we’re into this, you know, pretty deeply, we’re hiring other other call centers to take the calls, and they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. They’re saying like, oh, you’re gonna be there tomorrow, click next next phone call, when realistically, there was about five weeks out six weeks out, right? So anyways, that creates a big havoc in in the world of merchants and credit cards and stuff like that. And so we’re sitting there. And instead, you know, the first line of defense is to call the customer support, right, which is us, they can’t get ahold of us, our lines busy, never answers. Next line of support, call the bank. So they call the bank, they do a chargeback on the account, and they get their money back. And so now we’re out those funds. And then we we don’t we don’t even know because we’ve printed off stacks of orders. And literally, I’m not exaggerating, this might be a stack of just, you know, some sort of product and the next product or oil or targets or whatever. And if they’re charging back, we’re still shipping it. Right? Because there’s no way to go about catching it. There’s no way to go and find that order when that massive stack of paper that we already printed out. And there’s no way we’re printing it all over again. And so we’re just like, we’re just gonna even ship it out no matter what. And then because of how many chargebacks we received in a given amount of time, we started getting fined and we were Obviously, when you get charged back, you’re charged $30 per transaction per chargeback. And that all goes to the merchant that’s handling the transaction. Right. And then on top of that, if you go beyond that amount of a percentage of a threshold, then the the big boys come in Visa, MasterCard, American Express, discover. And what they do is they charge a fee chargeback fee on top of the 30. And that’s around 100 bucks. It’s exactly $100. So now for every chargeback that comes in, we owe $30. And then we owe an additional $100
Tyler Jorgenson 20:33
plus losing the initial money.
Unknown Speaker 20:36
Yes, and and the affiliate payout,
Tyler Jorgenson 20:39
and shipping the product. So your cost of goods, your cost of acquisition, and all the finance costs of the penalty.
Unknown Speaker 20:48
Massive. Matt, we’re talking lots of money.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Unknown Speaker 20:53
a Yeah. So it sucked. But you know, you get through it. And then and then when you get to an even higher threshold of chargebacks, then MasterCard and Visa come in, and they find you around $300,000 each party. And so now you have $30 chargebacks, 100 ollar charge backs 300,000 another $300,000 fine on top of that, because of the just the earthquake that’s happening, and it’s nothing that we did wrong, per se, we couldn’t keep up with the freakin orders,
Tyler Jorgenson 21:25
right just didn’t keep up. We had, it wasn’t fraudulent or deceitful. It just was the campaign was overly successful.
Unknown Speaker 21:33
It was Oh, yeah, well, all campaign campaigns combined, right, were overly successful, we had all of our recurring income continuity members inside of stripe. And those were those were at like 30 bucks a month, we had 10,000 of those. So that was I think we’re bringing in like 300 grand a month or something like that. And then when when stripe shut us down, they took all those people too. And that was a good lesson to learn is that you should always have the credit card in like a CRM or some sort of system. And that way you can train track the system to a different merchant, like so if you went to authorize. net today, tomorrow, you can go through into mine the next day and go through PayPal, the next day, you can go through Clickbank The next day, you can go through stripe, next, you can go through, you know, whatever the next one is, and you can go through all those. And there’s a dozen, shopping cart Pro, I mean, shoot, there’s all kinds of stuff, right. And like that was a big, big aha to me is we put all this work. And the one thing that I learned really quickly is I only control what I own. And I did not own the customer data, credit card. The renewal I didn’t own any of that didn’t own any of it, because it’s all stored in one place. And so once I was smart, or more inclined, right, I moved, we moved it all, we had to start all over and start from scratch. We lost everything. And we were rock bottom, we didn’t have any income coming in. But we had one thing. And this is what saved the company for probably the next six to eight months. And that was our database, our database of emails, our database of addresses and our database of phone numbers. With that database, we’re able to make phone calls, where an email out in mail out offers new programs, upsells down cells, and with what we’re able to do with that monetization system, kept the company afloat for the next six to eight months. And we were able to kind of get back on our feet, we’re able to kind of get going again. But it was rough. It was it was exciting. But it was rough. It was stressful, sleepless nights, you know, heartache, because we had to layoff people, right? We had to hire people. And it’s just you know, it’s it’s nothing that anyone ever wants to go through or do. But it was more of an education than than anything
Tyler Jorgenson 24:01
that absolutely
Unknown Speaker 24:02
I that I received from that, that no one, no one can educate you on what I was educated on, through experience. It was it was a it was a ride for sure.
Tyler Jorgenson 24:15
Yeah. And what’s interesting, so I’ve gone through like small versions of that, right? Just take off zeros from everything you’ve done. And but it hurts the same, right? It’s stressful, the same in the end, the sleepless nights happen. And I think what’s so fascinating is, is, you know, that we do share, right? It’s important for us to share that and be like, Okay, this is the pain point. This is what I learned, you know, controlling your data, you know, protecting where, you know, having a strategy of how you’re actually doing transactions, right, as opposed to just Well, I’m set up here and that’s the default payment gateway. So I guess I’ll just do that right, actually thinking beyond all of the defaults, I think would be the way I say that. Yeah, um,
Unknown Speaker 24:57
I’ll give you that. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:59
yep. Please.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
So the biggest thing that I learned, or one of the things I learned from that was a question that I asked myself frequently now, is of all the systems that we currently have going on.
Unknown Speaker 25:14
Can they be multiplied by 1000? And if so, is this sustainable?
Unknown Speaker 25:20
Unknown Speaker 25:21
Look at that. So if right now we’re getting 100 calls, and we instantly tomorrow scale to 1000 calls? Can we handle it? If we can’t handle it, how what breaks, what starts breaking what starts melting? That’s the biggest habit that’s going to happen. And so by asking yourself that question, you can actually create systems that kind of give you a cushion, enough cushion that you’re ready for the next big thing I’ll give you another great example would be is we had, we had two two offices. One office was shipping all of our product, and then it was connected, just not through a door, we’d have to go around the parking lot. And the other office was our phone room and marketing room. That’s where we’re kind of creating the sales and then the shipping on the other side. So what was happening was, we would get a phone call the phone room, get a phone call, the sounds screwed up this thing was, we get a phone call. And they’d be like, hey, um, it’s my son’s birthday. Tomorrow, I need my order shipped today. No ifs, ands, or buts, ship it. And so they would get into the end of the dude’s ear, right? And just convince him hypnotically persuade him to hang up the phone and say, Yep, got it, they would take a sticky note of all things. Write down, you know, Bob Smith needs his order, tomorrow, ASAP ship out right now, they would get up from their seat, go out the front door, walk around the building into the shipping department and stick the sticky note on the managers desk of the shipping department and say Bob needs his order tomorrow, make sure you ship it out. So then all the shipping agents would stop, go over and make Bob’s order, make sure it got shipped out and then go back into production. And this was happening over and over and over again, to where it was such nonsense. And it’s just like stressful. It’s like what is like, we don’t have a system for people who are calling it like I’m like, no one has their order. Everybody’s Bob Smith, everybody needs it ASAP. Unfortunately, Bob is not different in this case right now, because everybody needs their order. So we need to do it in an orderly fashion. And first come first serve, we get them out. And yeah, we’re two months behind guys. Like that’s, that’s what you gotta say, if they want a refund, give them a refund. But right now, we just got to get these get all these orders out. And, man, I tell you what, like, you can learn a lot by scaling quickly of how things can scale really fast but so much stuff starts to break that you weren’t even prepared for because it ran at a much lower level as you kind of said like, take a couple zeros off. Well, it runs a little easier runs a little smoother. You can talk to Mike over here and be like Mike Jimmy’s on the phone. He needs an order Mike’s like got it. I’ll ship that out right now. Right. But then when you got 1000 Jimmy’s calling and you’re like Mike 1000 Jimmy’s on the phone. I need 1000 orders going out things get a little more complicated.
Tyler Jorgenson 28:12
Yeah, you start going through a lot of post it notes at that point, you’re flying through post
Unknown Speaker 28:15
it notes. Like you become a post it note machine. And the other thing was that I learned really well, was don’t overcomplicate the funnel, and that’s why I started building what I call today reactive funnels.
Tyler Jorgenson 28:28
That was my that was that’s all my list of questions. So teach us about that.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
Oh, yeah, yeah, so so reactive funnels are basically designed with artificial intelligence, they make decisions depend on depending on how you know how the user interacts with the with the order form, and the upsells and down cells, but at the end of the day, when I was doing some of my funnels did, I was throwing in all kinds of crazy stuff. Like for tart like I’d have, let’s say the oil oil example. So you got oil and then I would do like a brush and then you know, a kit and then I don’t know some sort of staple gun and then some targets and then just random stuff that I could just stuff in this one I was just stuffing funnels, and it was just monotonous crazy, but what I was really doing is I was increasing the complexity of my business by 12 X. Rockefeller habits the habits of Rockefeller says that by everyone skew you add to your business, you increase the complexity by 12 X the logistics, the shipping manifest, the marketing, your your your your POV your you know point of view your your SAP, your sales positioning, like like KPIs are watching like, dude, everything becomes super complex. It’s ridiculous. And I did exactly that. I had I had products of products approximate a funnel, but what that did, was that created a in factor of ways people could order, right one dude would order 10 targets In a bottle oil, nothing to do with order 30 targets in two bottles order another deal with order to two targets, a bottle order oil. And then like, I don’t know, a stapler, well do that makes everything crazy complex. Because when you have 1000 orders, and every single one of those is different. The line slows completely to a still standstill. I’m talking five minutes to get an order out. So I would time the boxes, how long does it take to get an order out? Five minutes, five minutes, when does that complex, but when it was one oil, like, we’d have 1001 Auto oils, right? Those are, we’re doing we’re doing an order probably every 15 seconds. So we had 20 people lined up, we could do an order every 2020 and 20 seconds. As soon as we went into a complex funnel, it slowed the line down to five minutes in order. Five minutes in order. Did Taurus up, toss up the load logistics blew up because we scaled by 1000 and weren’t ready. We didn’t know how to do it. We didn’t know the complexity behind it. We didn’t know what the hell we were doing.
Tyler Jorgenson 31:11
We just did it just figuring it out. Right. You know. And so now you’re you’re using like the the process is more simple, more linear, more logical. What’s the major major shift? Less skews? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 31:25
So with a reactive funnel, we might sell two different skews. That’s it.
Tyler Jorgenson 31:32
But that skew might be comprised of a couple of different products?
Unknown Speaker 31:36
Unknown Speaker 31:37
it’s two products.
Unknown Speaker 31:38
Yeah. Two skews two products. Yeah, very, very, very slim, neat. You know, it’s very, just, it just runs very smoothly.
Tyler Jorgenson 31:49
So I’ll give you a 300, upsells 200 down cells and all that kind of stuff. You don’t do that anymore. Keep it simple.
Unknown Speaker 31:55
None of that. No, and we keep it extremely simple. So I’ll give you an example is, you know, something that we do in our funnels is we sell whatever we sell on the order form page doesn’t matter if it’s a shoe, a jump up a coffee mug, a book, whatever. The upsell is the same exact product. Just a little bit of a different price. Okay, then we’ll, we’ll compare that 20 to 30% on that. Now the thing is, is people like will will Why would they buy another coffee mug when they just said they wanted five coffee mugs. They don’t need any more coffee. As I said they only need five hours. They buy more. And I got this from when my mom went to, to Chicago to to the apple orchard. We spent the whole day out in this door an apple orchard right. Pick an apples eaten apples, right? apples stepping on apples throwing apples, everything you can do with an apple we did with an apple and we bring back this basket full of apples. You know, take the tractor ride back had a good old time got lots of pictures. A lot of fun, right? We get back in lady ways the apples, I think it cost us 20 bucks, right for a whole basket lays like hey, eat the whole basket for $20 A mom’s like, oh, we’re gonna make so many apple pies. It’s gonna be absolutely awesome. Right? And then the lady goes, by the way, we’re having a special today. If you’d like a secondary basket already picked for you for $10 we can do that. We can add it to your to your cart today. She said yes. She said yes. I was like mom, you got all basket full of apples for 20 bucks. She’s goes but I know. But I can get a whole another basket for just $10. I said that’s a lot of apples. She goes that’s a lot of apple pies. And that’s how we did it. And I was like, why am I seeing this right now? Like, like, I always question myself, you know, Jim Rohn talks about, you know, where he was Turn, turn, turn frustrating things into fascinating things. turn turn frustration into fascination. And and when you do that you can learn, right? It’s so amazing. Because, you know, I was he talks about how he was on the way to the to the Los Angeles airport for flight is he leaves in an hour, and he stuck in traffic. Waiting for the flight. Good. I almost missed the flight. And he was fascinated. Because he could learn from that experience. Right? And I thought that was remarkable.
Tyler Jorgenson 34:25
It’s a nice reframe.
Unknown Speaker 34:27
It absolutely is. And so anytime now that I find myself getting frustrated, I turn it around to fascination. You know, how can I become fascinated around this? Like why I’m frustrated for sure. But how can I become fascinated? Because it totally shifts you like you just said into thinking? What’s the real problem here? What’s the real solution here? Why am I frustrated? What created this frustration in the first place? And why is it here now? Right and what can I go back to or what can I change to make sure there’s no more longer frustration? It’s just fascination.
Tyler Jorgenson 34:56
Yeah. So one of those things you’re basically saying is one of those things Just keep keep it simple, right? Keep the funnel simple, it’s going to cause less ripples less challenges, the focus. And so and I think that’s a huge part of scaling is being able to, like you said, keep things under control. One of the other hurdles that a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with right is okay, they think they have a converting offer. Maybe they’re stuck back in an era when or whatever their platform is, in the that’s similar to the era when you were on Facebook only allowing you to do thousand dollars a day or whatever it was, what and you’ve, you’ve often looked at different traffic sources and ways and you shared this story at dream 100 con, but about, like, you know, you buying all of an email list and then being capped out and then go into affiliates. What’s the first traffic source that you recommend after leaving, like the main guys at Facebook and Google?
Unknown Speaker 35:52
Ooh, that’s a great question. So I love email, email is really great, because it’s a dedicated email. And what I mean by that, if you’ve never done that is basically you just call somebody with a list that has your avatar, who is your client database? and ask them if you can pay them to send an email to their email database with your offer? That’s really all it is. Those people out there that are more than willing to do that. There’s a lot of people who are not willing to do that. And those people are naive. No, to know what’s out. We call those people naive. So love that. Yeah, it’s big. It’d be like me that says that there’s there’s do there’s people out there that think that the people on their list are only on their list,
Tyler Jorgenson 36:33
right? They only get emails from me, and they look forward to them. I can’t make it to where I give them something else. That’s interesting. Absolutely. Yeah. You know, I agree. And, and there’s obviously people like that. But there are a lot of people out there that Well, there’s one, there’s just kind of the dream 100 style, right of finding someone that maybe isn’t in the business of marketing their list, but you can create a relationship with and help them do that. And then there’s also right the guys who they’re in the business of selling and doing lists. What you’ve had some huge success there, you know, through having people you know, do emails, I think that’s, that’s where your license plate even comes from, right?
Unknown Speaker 37:12
Know the license plate.
Unknown Speaker 37:14
Where’s that done? Like?
Unknown Speaker 37:15
Oh, yeah, I actually got one.
Unknown Speaker 37:16
Hold on ice.
Unknown Speaker 37:17
Don’t shoot, don’t shoot. No, it got to have we got to have it. got we got one out. And no, you want to see, there we go.
Tyler Jorgenson 37:24
That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 37:26
There’s the Missouri license plate. If you need to look me up around the light, right? My plates. There you go. Oh, they’re good. Okay, so this is actually what’s what’s funny about the gutschein is the clutching on it, what actually represented the noise that our app would make. So I think it’s called push over at the time, or something like that. But basically, it sends an email. So every time you get a payment, you get an email, and then that email forwards onto this email address. And then you’re which is the app, and then the app makes a sound effect of Ching cash register sounds beautiful. By the way, it’s a great like, very hardcore, like cut chain. And it’s absolutely phenomenal. And, and so anyways, when I got the Maserati in the in the license plate, it doesn’t mean like, the car is catching, right? Because a lot of people will come up to me, like, I love how the license plate goes with the car. But realistically, the license plate is not for the car. It’s actually for me. And it’s a symbol in memory of, you know, what we did and what we have and what we built from one t shirt to one funnel to, you know, the, to everything that it became. And it’s cool, because, you know, who would have thunk but more more people talk about this license plate, then anything I’ve ever had and done, you know, like, like when I’ll go to the carwash you have to enter in yet they have to write down your license plate. And I think I get a lot of a lot of comments. They’re just talking about like, oh, man, the license plate love license plate. But it’s just a great reminder, like, what they’re really doing is they’re reminding me of my past in my future. Sure. Now, it’s a really cool, it’s a really cool thing. I really enjoy having it. But yeah, that’s awesome.
Tyler Jorgenson 39:09
Yeah, I think it’s important for us to have reminders and anchors like that, because we learn all these amazing things. But then we get back into real life, right? And every once in a while, we need to be reminded of kind of that current right jumping back in the neck current and remember, like, one keep, I don’t think you have this issue. But I’ve seen some people struggle with like keeping the keeping the intensity, right, keeping the growth, constantly looking for what is the next like as their paradigm shift, keep looking up instead of like complacency. I don’t think that’s a challenge that you have. But you know, I’ve seen it in my life as, like different things become really important. I’ve got four kids and, you know, you got to manage a lot of different things. What what’s your advice to, you know, to someone who’s maybe in the middle of one of those challenges of their business. They’ve got their business figured out, but they’re trying to figure out how to go and take it to the next level?
Unknown Speaker 40:04
Man, that’s a that’s a good question. Because it really depends on where they’re at. Right? Sure. Um, because you could be, you could be doing $10,000 a month and want to know how to get to $100,000 a month, or you could be at $100,000 a month want to do a million dollars a month or a million up, you know, Wolf of Wall Street stuff, 4 million $5 million a month. And, you know, they, you know, I was actually contemplating about this yesterday, ironically enough. And I always think about the title of what got you here won’t get you there? I haven’t read the book. But the title I think explains a lot. Yeah, you’re good from that? Yeah. And so. So my question is, is I asked myself this question is, what habits Do I need to currently change to deliver myself into the future? Right, so what habits Am I currently doing now? that are holding me back? From the next level? Right? So for instance, maybe I’m sleeping in, maybe I’m leaving work too early. Maybe I’m not concentrating on what I need to be concentrating on. Right? Maybe my focus, is it in the right place. But the thing is, is you have to have standards of every day. And then you have to have habits of every day, to get you to that next piece. And this is what I was really, I was just taking a lot of time, yesterday of just really trying to figure out what what are those new habits, right? What habits Should I create? What standards Should I create on a daily basis that I just hold true to, that are going to get me to that next level? And some, you know, somewhere, you know, I wake up at 5am I hate waking up at 5am I hate it. Right? I’m not I’m not a morning guy. I used to be a night dude. Right? Stay up till midnight, stay up till two, I’d be doing calculus until like three in the morning drinking coffee, have the shakes, and then have an exam the next day at eight o’clock or nine o’clock and then come home and pass out to college, right? I cheated my way through college wasn’t even why even get the right degree. So, you know, look at us True story. So you know, it’s interesting how you look at that is what what got you here is definitely not going to get you to the next stop, right, you need to you need to switch gears a little bit. And sometimes I don’t necessarily know if that’s learning a new hack, right, or downloading a shiny object course, or figuring out how to manage better, you know, sometimes I think it just has has to do with, you know, your self worth, and like, where you’re headed, and how thankful you are, how dedicated you are, and who you who you’re trying to be. And so some of the things that I’m looking at right now is, you know, actually run down Hold on. So that way I can, and then basically, you gotta, you got to look at holding these every day, right? So one of the some, some mine were, you know, wake up at 5am. Because what I had trouble with is, if I didn’t have something set in stone for 5am, the next day, like a podcast to listen to a book to read something to do, then what I find myself doing is I’ll wake up at 5am, the alarm clock will go off. And in my mind, I’m like, you know, I don’t really have much to do this morning, I’ll probably just go back to sleep, get another couple hours of sleep, and wake up at seven. Or I have something big that day, like I’ll have a big meeting, right or big, a big event, whatever. And I’ll say to myself, you know what, I need to sleep in more, right now. Because I need to be more alert and awake during that event. So I’m making excuses, right? I’m not holding myself to standards. And what I put was, you know, I’m gonna wake up at 5am, even if it’s just to sit outside and watch the sunrise. So even if that’s the only thing I’m doing today, it’s worth waking up at 5am. And so that’s what I looked at. That’s a standard. The nice thing is as I as I, I take Liam to school every day. And so, you know, how I take Liam to school is a standard should be a standard, right? What do I talk about? What are we talking about? Right? Some days, some days, we don’t talk about much, right? There’s nothing I mean, it’s fine. You just turned five. So sometimes, you know, we’re talking about how the tree smell or how green it is outside. You know what, what and then another day, we’re talking about loans of all things and how a loan works and what money is. And you know, obviously that was probably a lot harder for him to come. Understand, but then later that night, he asked me for a loan so maybe maybe you got it. And you know, things like that like what affirmations what Do I want to tell them what, what do we want to listen to? What kind of tapes do we want to listen to?
Unknown Speaker 45:06
The other thing I want to set is I want to I want to start deleting and conquering emails the night before the next day, you know, big thing with me is I’ll get in the morning, and I’ll find I’m an hour into the day, and I’m just drowning in emails. So for the last month and a half, I’ve been unsubscribing to everybody. So if I’ve unsubscribed for you, it’s not you. It’s me. Okay? I even put that in the comments. I’m like, like, why are you unsubscribe? I’m like, bro, it’s not you. It’s me. Okay, just let that let you know that I’m just I’m just redoing my standards. Right now.
Tyler Jorgenson 45:37
I did something similar just recently. And I found I couldn’t keep up with the unsubscribes. So I literally just created a filter in my email that anything with the word unsubscribe into it goes into a different folder and skips the inbox. That’s and it’s been it’s been massive, because like, then I can go in there deliberately and like look for things, but it doesn’t get come it doesn’t reach front and center.
Unknown Speaker 46:00
So that’s a freaking great hack. Yeah, I didn’t think about that. That’s amazing. Because I’ve
Tyler Jorgenson 46:05
tried, I’ve tried unroll and I’ve tried, but you have to actively do it. And that active? it? Yeah, so it just was the fastest route to clarity. For me. That’s so
Unknown Speaker 46:15
smart. Um, so here’s, here’s, I think the biggest one though, it will may there’s two there should be there’s two here. So daily standards. Actually, there’s three good lord, there’s a lot. So some good standards. So now that the other standard was or one of them. So so what I do is I create my day, or Well, hold on, I work out around my day. Versus, versus working around my workout. So what’s interesting about entrepreneurs and how we, you know, we’ll burn the candle at both ends will freakin do sleepless nights. You know, we’ll go crazy, right? We’re entrepreneurs, we’re like, it’s what it’s what everybody, all the social media is showing you do, right? You need the Lambo, you need the you need the million dollar house, you need to be the entrepreneur that’s in the parking lot up late, you know, up early, stay late like that kind of do right? You got to go go go. And we get fed that stuff and then we go crazy. But you know, what’s interesting is you start to degrade your temple, your body’s your temple man. Some dude looked at me one day, his name is Alec scharffen. And he points at me and he goes, Trey, you are a $30 million. racehorse. Treat yourself like one. And I was like, Damn, scharffen that was some intense deep shit right there. And you know, and you think about that you’re like, if I had a $30 million, racehorse, that dude would be, you know, he’d be he’d be working out. He’d be eating right? He’d be he’d be educated, he’d be learning how to run properly. And when you are the $30 million, racehorse, it’s a lot different. Right? Oh, you know, that little chocolate over there, though donut over there looks a little bit a little alcohol over that looks, looks mighty fine. You know, I’m socially being acceptable, right? By having a drink with you. So anyways, I think a lot of that revolves around, you know, my workout revolves around my work, versus my work revolves around my workout. And that’s something I want to change, you know, my daily standard practice is I want to have a set workout and my work evolves revolves around that. And that is because I’m here for the temple. I’m here for good graces, and I’m here to you know, become somebody, right? And not just somebody but a being of something, right, something who’s strong and powerful and, and healthy and fit. Like, I want to have all that. So that’s a big one. And then the other one was, you know, something else I want to schedule around is scheduled time for piece of reading, and just becoming educated. Another something I’ve slacked on, I need to get back into it. And these are big reminders. One thing we do on the commerce kings podcast, is I always ask all any of it anyone I interview, the number one question to ask them is, what’s the number one book? Right? What’s the number one book that changed your life? And Dude, I gotta tell you, my bookshelf went from a fluffy pillow to solid rocks. I’m telling you, the books are so heavy, they’re so rich, they’re so deep. And it’s the best the best of the best books, because I’ve taken someone else’s lifetime to find that one book. And he’s willing to give me that that Jim that value and say, You know what, of all my books, this is the one this is the one that changed my life. And I read that book that changed his life. And then I get to read another book that changed that dude’s life and another book that changed that. I’m telling you, the books on my shelf now. It’s their, their individual miracles. It’s they’re absolutely stunning. And so I want to evolve around that. And then the last one, I know this kind of went real deep here. That’s I had the list. So now you got it. Yeah. The other big thing was and this this is Brian Tracy all day long. A really good book from Brian Tracy is I got on my quick here. Let’s see. Where’s yet find your balance point. So find your balance point by Brian Tracy to get the audible it’ll take you an hour and 20 minutes to go through at 1.5 X. It’s absolutely great change the life Tom millionaires are born. But at the at the at the I guess whatever at the center of it. Create three tasks tonight that you’re going to complete tomorrow. I can’t tell you how many days I go home. And I asked myself, What in the hell did I do today?
Tyler Jorgenson 50:46
Unknown Speaker 50:47
Did I ask myself that? It pisses me off because I’m like, I just wasted a freakin day. Right? We only got 30,000 days on this earth man. Right? And there it went. You know, Jay Abraham has this really cool thing. Where he has a jar, he has a big jar. And it’s full of blue marbles. And every Saturday, he takes a marble out and throws in the trash. Just remind himself that he’s got only those marbles left. And he needs to make something of them.
Tyler Jorgenson 51:20
Yeah, that’s pretty powerful stuff. I think. You know, it’s I appreciate you sharing that list. By the way. I think that’s really neat. And I think I’ve heard the I was reading in one of Joe polishes books about the the million dollar or the $30 million racehorse, you’re apparently 30 times more valuable, but I like it. And I love that concept. Because I think we oftentimes as entrepreneurs, we’re willing to sacrifice ourselves for like the mission. But I think that’s a short term win, right? You can maybe do that for a week, or maybe maybe even a month. But I know, anytime that I’ve let myself slip, and I went through that through a recent, you know, experience, it ends up catching back up to you. And so maintaining that balance, maintaining that with the priority of the self, is really important. And the last thing I want to bring up with you is, I’ve noticed in a lot of your conversations, that the the value of mentorship and the value of experts, the value of men of having people around you to help you kind of show you the way right, like, you know, you’ve gone you you value masterminds, you value those kinds of things. What, how has, how did you one first, like, get into that? And then to like, how has that? How has that impacted your life in business?
Unknown Speaker 52:39
Well, it was sure easier going through mentors, and it was learned about myself. You know, one thing, one thing I tell people is it’ll cost you far greater, more money to learn it yourself, then it will just buy the expensive mentors, because I’ve already done it, you know, they already know the stuff. And a lot of people say I can’t afford it. And realistically, you are going to afford it one way or the other is just how long it’s going to take you to get there. So let’s say let’s say a mentor was 20 grand. Okay? So a mentor might give you his his whole year for 20 grand, but you say you know, I don’t got 20 grand, and I get that some people don’t have 20 grand. So they’ll take the next three years spending that 20 grand figuring out what that mentor would have given them maybe in six or seven months,
Tyler Jorgenson 53:21
right? They’re gonna amortize it and sell finance to self learn instead of Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 53:26
yeah. You know, in that that’s a good question, man is because when I was a young kid, there was no Facebook yet. I mean, Facebook came out when I was in college, so there’s no face. There’s no Facebook. There was probably that MySpace thing or whatever, right? It wasn’t part of that. I had yahoo messenger. I was that guy. Yeah, but I didn’t read the Wall Street Journal. I didn’t read paper. I live in a small town, moved to St. Louis, you know, saw kind of bigger things, but nothing like, you know, you see in Miami, or you see in California, like the big mother, effin mansions, and the big mother effin yachts and the big, you know, jets and stuff like that, like, have that stuff. And so it’s hard to hard to visualize those big goals. You see them in pictures and magazines and frames. But one thing I did say to myself is, you know, I wish I could have a mentor, like, I wish somebody would mentor me. And I’m just, I’m like, God sent somebody down, you know, give me somebody. And no one came for like, the longest time. Unless I didn’t see it, you know, my go along with the three ships God sent to the guy drowning in the ocean, right? But at the end of the day, I must I might have missed those ships. Or maybe it just wasn’t my time. And kind of like I say, right, the mentor will show up when you’re ready. But I, my first one of my first mentors was this guy named Adam and I were at this convention and AMS like, Hey, what do you want to do? And I said, I want to, you know, I want to make money online. He’s like, okay, I can teach how to do that. I said, Man, that’s perfect. I’ve been looking for you. He’s like, Yeah, but it’s gonna be, you know, two grand a month. I was like, Yeah, I got two grand a month. I barely I barely make three grand A month with the insurance I’m doing. And he goes, Yeah, okay, I understand. But what was cool about him was he was relentless for some reason. I don’t know what it was about him. But he was, he was relentless on getting that two k from me. And we were tech savvy. I have a flip phone at the time, like this little stupid flip phone. I’m like, you know, right? Do my two thumbs. And I remember the text to this day, where, where he goes, are you in you out? And I go, I’m out. And he replies, do that’s gonna be the biggest mistake you make. Let me show you the way, the mentoring way. I said, Your he goes your Western $2,000. And I go, damn. I said I’m in. I said, You know what, screw it. I’m in. And dude, me making that I don’t know what made me make that decision. Because I definitely didn’t have an ego. I definitely wasn’t like big headed. Because I didn’t know anything. I was just like, I need help. I didn’t want to figure I didn’t want to go figure it out. I didn’t want to pay for a mentor, either, right? Like I was just in this in this corner. And I don’t know what made me make that decision. But I did. And it showed me that paying someone to educate me, got me somewhere much quicker, much faster. And it showed me that there are people out there that know way more than than I thought I knew. Right? I didn’t know how to do any of that stuff. They’re doing magical things. And I was like, how do you even know how to do that? You know, it’s crazy, like so much technology with with everything that’s being built to this day, things are changing so fast, that I can’t keep up with all you know, some of that stuff. And so I have to go get other mentors like, dude, how are you doing that? How you doing Instagram right now, man? Like you’re doing some amazing things, this script. And then I you know, I just met a guy the other day, who who’s just, you know, creating a big awareness around his name. I said, Dude, what are you doing? He goes, man, I got this machine. It’s cost me 20 grand a month, but it’s just get my name out there. I’m like, geez, teach me the machine. I want to know the machine. And, you know, because I don’t have that machine. I don’t want that machine. Give me that machine. He’s like, well, it’s gonna cost me I said, I’m willing to pay, you know, learn my lesson back in 2000, whatever that was, right. So yeah, man, it was it was just a decision that I had to make. And, you know, unfortunately, you’re going to have mentors who might not teach anything, that you maybe you thought that they were going to teach you may that teach you something else that you didn’t even realize they taught you until a few years later. Other people are probably not the mentors you thought they are. And there’s other mentors that will over deliver, and under promise, and you’ll be you know, forever grateful. But the thing is, is, you don’t know who’s who until you go through a lot of them. Right. And just kind of you know, every year, you just kind of learn something new from different mentors. And,
Unknown Speaker 57:46
you know, I’ll
Unknown Speaker 57:47
go back to mentors I’ve had, you know, because they got something new up and running, they got something new, they found something new, that’s awesome. Like, do what? Well, hey, what are you doing now? What’s that and keep in touch. And so it’s not like, you know, if you stop using a mentor, it’s, you know, that’s gone forever, you can always come back and stay friends and right, and still learn from another. And then what’s fun is, this is always fun to is because I’ve had people who have mentored me. And then like three years later, they’re enrolling into our mentorship, and we’re mentoring them. And it’s like, it’s pretty cool. You know, it’s pretty cool to see that it’s like, I get to teach you something like, man, I totally am grateful. Because of that, because you taught me so much. And now I get to give that back. Right, in different ways. So
Tyler Jorgenson 58:36
yeah, and I think, you know, that’s fascinating how that does happen, where, and I think that people who I’ve seen who are really truly successful are willing to willing to do two things willing to learn from anybody, right? Even if there’s no ego of like, well, I’m farther along than they are, and, and too willing to, like, discuss their failures in the same amount of energy as their as their success, because they both know, they know that all of those things are in the past, so that they don’t have any value. They’re just things that happened in the past and not the future you’re creating. And so to me, all of this, like everything that we do in entrepreneurship is to give us the lifestyle that we want and whether that’s you know, riches or adventure or whatever it is, what’s one major item on your personal bucket list you’re gonna do in the next 12 months not business related.
Unknown Speaker 59:23
Oh man, I got that that was all yesterday bro. You should you should have been there should have been there that was it was an it was an incredible day. Um, man what was what was the some of the things on the list what some of them so I’m planning out my 2019 right now. And I want to I want to travel six times that’s I think we did like for this year four or five like it’s really, we’re really like on the crest of six so we probably would have made it I want to do I want to do at least six whenever the other month. You know about a week vacation. Some are big, some are not some are easy, some are fun, some are some exhilarating summer silly summer extravagant. Yeah, there’s different levels that I go on, which is really cool. Some that we like one will be full nine yard crazy. Just kings and Queen kind of feel right. And others will be a little weekend trip to a beach. Right, right, cuz we’re in the middle St. Louis. So those are usually in the winter months when it’s super cold here and like you just need sun. You know what, you know, here’s, here’s a really cool thing that I don’t know if I’ll do in the next 12 months, but it’s something that’s definitely on that list, which is in mid 2019. Who knows? But you fly check this on YouTube. So cool. You it’s in Russia. I think it’s in my it’s near Moscow, Moscow, and you take a fighter jet.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:46
You know about this? No, not yet.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:49
Okay, so I think it’s 16 grand. So you take a fighter jet, and they they zip you up to the Earth’s crust of the atmosphere. And it’s right between the layer of ion of the layers but the layer of basically you burn up to shrivel liens, and the hemisphere of the earth. Okay, so you get the fly on like the
Tyler Jorgenson 1:01:10
crest of that atmosphere. Yeah, like not quite outerspace right Interstate, whatever they call them.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:15
You’re right there. Yeah. But what you get to see is you get to see the curvature of the actual earth. And you bet you basically get to fly into space for about the offering. And do I’ve watched a couple YouTube videos on it. And it’s Yeah, it’s pretty remarkable that that one is definitely on the list. I was showing Jen the other night. The other thing I want to do is there’s a castle in Germany, and it’s called the like new new Shin Schwinn castle or something like that. And I got to get the name down. Yeah. Most it’s beautiful castle, I think you can even Google beautiful castles. And it’s pretty much the majority of those images, the most beautiful castle. And I want to go see that, because it’s one of my, it’s one of my goals to either purchase a castle, or I’m going to build a castle. And I think like if there was ever if I was ever in a past life, because I feel like if you watch what’s been happening in my life, like, things have just been kind of happening. Like for some reason I have commerce kings, I have the crown. I have thought of it a past life. Like I was some sort of King and now I’m on this virtue to go get my castle back or something like that. Like something internally in me is like, you need the castle. You need the crown, you can go Yeah, we’re definitely on our way. Right? We got the name at least down then we got to go get the damn castle. But I think it’d be super cool to either buy one or build one. And then you know how you monetize it is like put weddings in it and you know, business retreats and stuff like that and rent it out. But to own into monetize and to flourish. And to have your own castle. It’d be pretty on the legit table.
Tyler Jorgenson 1:03:01
Yeah, that’s pretty awesome. Yeah. So that’s what we’ll see. Yeah, well, I look, crazier things have been done. So but so I want to appreciate you like First of all, like this is a longer than normal episode, but I was enjoying it so much. I’m like, we’ll have to cut it down when it goes on to ABC News, but we’ll leave it we’ll let it run long for the podcast. So just want to say you know, thank you for that and appreciate all the listeners out there. Learn more please from Trey, go to trailer whelan.com subscribe to his commerce kings podcast. Check out his mentorship. Check out all the stuff he’s got going on. He’s got some really cool free funnels there. But Trey tons appreciation, gratitude for coming on and sharing so much so freely.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:44
Oh, hey, thanks for having me. It’s
Tyler Jorgenson 1:03:45
been a pleasure. Awesome. Now all of you listening it’s your turn go out and do something. Thank you for tuning in to biz ninja entrepreneur radio. What you didn’t hear was one more very important question that Tyler asks each guest if you want to be a fly on the wall when the real secrets are shared, go to biz ninja.com slash VIP and get your access today. Remember to subscribe so that you don’t miss any future episodes and are one last favor if this episode was meaningful to you. Please share this podcast with a fellow entrepreneur so they can grow along with us is ninjas. It’s your turn to go out and do something